The Colleges and Universities of the Anglican Communion (CUAC) is a world-wide network of Anglican colleges and universities which exists for the mutual flourishing of its members through engaging with each other, their society, and their churches, as they seek to enable their students and faculties to become active and responsive citizens in God’s world.
A joint publication of Whitelands College, University of Roehampton, London, UK, and CUAC (Colleges and Universities of the Anglican Communion)
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Respect for the inherent dignity of the whole person: A fundamental Christian insight, upheld by Anglican tradition, is that human beings are made in the image of God. Therefore, everyone will be treated with dignity as we seek the formation of whole persons on safe campuses, where children and vulnerable adults are protected from abuse and exploitation. (From CUAC's Identity and Character Declaration)
CUAC's Safeguarding Contact is:
The Rt Revd Martin Wharton, Bishop of New Castle, retired
The 2017 Dr Rowan Williams CUAC Lecture, was delivered by Dr. Mike Higton Professor, Dept. of Theology and Religion, Durham University, U.K. His lecture was titled: Discovering Virtue: How to be good in Higher Education