There are sixty Anglican colleges and universities in India where the rights of “religious and linguistic minorities to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice” has been protected by the constitution since Independence. Post the 2014 general elections, however, these minority colleges have come increasingly under assault. The Revd Dr Valson Thampu, former president of the pre-eminent Saint Stephen’s College in Delhi, which Mahatma Gandhi made home when he visited Delhi in the early years of India’s struggle for freedom, has been an outspoken advocate for the independence of minority colleges. CUAC's General Secretary Canon Callaway noted, "Valson was chaplain, besides being Vice Principal and Head, Dept. of English, at Saint Stephen’s College in 1997 at CUAC’s first Triennial, which he organized, attended and chaired. Despite daily pillorying in the press, I find him a powerfully focused leader of calm conviction. Now retired to his native Kerala, his prophetic voice remains clarion."
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