Scholarship Opportunities and Our Colleges

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William Randolph Hearst Scholarship for students interested in attending an Episcopal College

Mary-Margaret Kellogg Scholarship for students attending an Episcopal HBCU


US Episcopal Colleges

Bard College

Hobart & William Smith 

Kenyon College

Sewanee|University of the South

St. Augustine's University

Voorhees University


International AEC Colleges

Cuttington University, Liberia

Université d’Haiti (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)

Trinity University of Asia, Manila, Philippines



Our AEC Chaplains


NAES Biennial Presentation

Lighting the Path to Higher Education

Thursday, November 14, 10:30 am Workshop 13A - Tallahassee Room

Panel of Presenters:

Moderator: Dr Rob Pearigen, Vice Chancellor and President at Sewanee: The University of the South  [email protected]u

Julia DeLashmutt, Administrator of Colleges & Univ. of the Anglican Communion & Assoc. of Episcopal Colleges [email protected]

Nita Byrd, Dean of Spiritual Engagement & Chaplain at Hobart and William Smith 

Marie Carmel Chery, Chaplain & Dean of Chapel & Spiritual Engagement at Voorhees University [email protected]

Kimberly Moore, Alumna of Hobart and William Smith [email protected]

China Yates, Student at Voorhees University

Nicholas BrownStudent Government Association President at Voorhees University


Presentation Slides - Nov 14 2024