CUAC 2021 Online Seminar V


Online Seminar V: Climate Logo

Tuesday, 30th November 2021

12:00 - 13:30 GMT

Leaders of 200 countries are meeting in Glasgow in early November in a last-minute effort to reverse what is clearly a degree of climate change that threatens life on this planet. Reducing carbon emissions is a vital first step – one that will meet well-financed opposition – but what is really required is a radical re-thinking of how we as humans treat our air, our seas, our soil, our fellow creatures.  

What role can Anglican institutions – notably our global network of colleges and universities – play in this literally life-saving endeavor? What immediate threats do our institutions face? 

Is academic research and teaching enough? Or is this a crisis so fraught with the possibility of an uninhabitable planet that new kinds of Christian activism are required? 



OSV Panellists Bar



Presentation Slides

  • Andreas Loewe

Loewe Slides
  • Joy Carter

Screen Shot 2021-12-03 At 9.46.04 PM
  • Paul Wilson
 Wilson Slides Photo